Voices from Oxford has just released two videos concerning North Korean defectors and their children who make up the Hullabaloo Choir.
“We are all born with a voice. When it is heard, it says something vital about the deepest layers of our identity, our commitment and aspirations.”
This is one of the mottos of the Natural Voice Practitioners. Its leading exponent Kirsty Martin puts this into practice with her extraordinary Hullabaloo Quire project. The idea is that everyone can sing: “we are all born with a voice”. We just need to express it.
But Hullabaloo Choir goes much further than that. The children’s choir travels the world, taking a message to even the most difficult parts. Voices from Oxford has posted two video interviews to help those seeking refuge from North Korea and other regions where people are starving and fleeing to find security and nourishment. They too need to be given a voice. Voices from Oxford is using its reputation and media skills to add to their voice. The interviews, with an Oxford Professor with experience of interacting with North Koreans, and the Head of the ICT for Health at the EU commission in Brussels, have been highlighted by the top newspaper in South Korea, the ChosunIlbo, and nominated for a major award.
Voices from Oxford is privileged to lend its voice to that of Hullabaloo. Let the world sing!! Let deprivation, starvation and repression be overcome.
Denis Noble
Medical Professor at Oxford University
Editor of Voices from Oxford