High School Science Teachers from the Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education in South Korea visit the University of Oxford to learn more about STEAM subjects, and how they can be taught in an integrated fashion. Around the world, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths are increasingly being taught in tandem, rather than as seperate subjects, and the teachers visited to learn more about this process. They enjoyed lectures and seminar sessions from a long list of distinguished and highly esteemed professors, inlcuding: Prof Dave Wark, Mr Lawrie Coupland, Prof Anthony Watts, Prof William James, Dr Adam Grieve, Dr Tainyi Zhang, Prof Paolo Tammaro, Dr Wen Hwa Lee, Prof Hagan Bayley, and Prof Paul Flather. They also received talks and laboratory tours at UCB Pharmaceuticals from Dr Tom Crabbe and Dr Alastair Henry, and experienced excursions to Eton College and Blenheim Palace.